Samantha Larsen

Samantha Larsen
Instructor, RYT 200
Sami has always turned to movement as her primary form of self-expression and creativity. She started dancing when she was 3 years old, and since that time, she has come to understand that the moving of energy within her body brought her back to herself. When she stopped competitively dancing after highschool, she was desperate to connect with that part of herself again. Yoga offered the perfect transition. She discovered yoga in college when her and her roommate would frequent hot yoga studios. She experienced the familiar feelings of self-discovery and radiance that dance previously offered, but this time on her yoga mat, in a way that allowed her to become more aware of the body-breath-mind connection. After practicing for over 8 years, she was ready to deepen her practice, and completed the 200 hour yoga teacher training program at the Om Lounge in 2023. During her YTT experience, she became even more passionate about her practice after learning more about the history and philosophy of yoga, from its inception hundreds of years ago to the way it is practiced in the West today. Yoga has become her sanctuary. As a physician assistant working with cancer patients, she is constantly reminded of how precious life is. She says that she learns much more from her patients than she could ever teach them, primarily about themes related to being grateful every day for our health, our bodies, and our relationships with loved ones; the essence of the human experience. When flowing on her mat, her sense of gratitude is heightened. She understands that work and life can become stressful, but knowing that you always have your mat, a space where you can reconnect with yourself, is a gift. As yogi and author Mark Stephens says, we must see yoga “as a process for awakening to the truth of one’s being, to an abiding sense of equanimity amid the shifting tides of daily experience and the seasons of one’s life.” When in her class, you expect cues for intuitive movement and strong peak poses, with her main goal is for her students to be able to connect to deeper parts of themselves. Off the mat, you can find Sami biking around the city with friends, reading a book on her balcony in Lawrenceville, exploring new restaurants and trying new food with her boyfriend Andrew, or seeking out her next international travel plans.
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